Welcome family and friends and all those interested in learning more about life in the Middle East-as an expat. We invite you to join us on our mysterious journey, which began in Texas and continues to Saudi Arabia...and now one year later....back to the US! One year of life in Jeddah was enough to write a book. So many good and not so good things were experienced. We write about them here.....
Saturday, March 10, 2012
It's a Small World After All!
One of my new co-workers told me that she was moving overseas. When I asked her where-she told me Saudi Arabia! "What?!" I said. "My family is moving to Saudi Arabia!" Then, it turns out that my co-worker, Delores, also lives in my neighborhood-3 houses down. What a small world, right? It also turns out that Delores' daughter is in my daughter's class. Well, they just got their VISA's and today was D's last day of work. Her realtor is also the same realtor that sold us our first home-9 years ago! Although we won't be in the same city-we will be in the same country, about 9 hours away. We are planning to visit each other when there. I am just a little jealous that her adventure is beginning before mine.
Landing a Job in Jeddah!
I am in the process of accepting a job! Yeah! Here is the latest update. I have been offered the position of Curriculum Specialist and Teacher Trainer. Over Spring break (this coming week!) I am being sent to Denver, Colorado to the corporate headquarters, for training. It is a 5 day, all expense paid trip! I am so grateful to my parents for taking care of and entertaining my kids during that week. My sister will also be popping in, over to Denver, to visit. What a great "pre-bon voyage" time it will be!
All the kids passports are in, along with mine and now the VISA process will begin. The VISA's are our tickets to actually get into Saudi Arabia. Our plan for arriving in KSA (the kingdom of Saudi Arabia) is early to mid-June. The last day of my current teaching job contract is May 31st-and the last day of school for the kids. I am still loving my job now, but cannot wait to be rejoined with my handsome hunk of a husband. June is getting closer, though-yeah!
Here is a little more about what I will be doing.
I am so excited to be able to use all that I learned in my Master's degree program for Curriculum and Instruction! My chances of landing this type of position in Texas was very slim, as about half of the Specialist positions in my current school district, were eliminated in 2011. I am happy that I will not be completely out of the classroom. I will actually have the best of both worlds-teaching, training teachers and adapting the current curriculum for the company that has hired me.
*update* The school is under construction and may not open for at least one year. The process is slower here, for sure!
All the kids passports are in, along with mine and now the VISA process will begin. The VISA's are our tickets to actually get into Saudi Arabia. Our plan for arriving in KSA (the kingdom of Saudi Arabia) is early to mid-June. The last day of my current teaching job contract is May 31st-and the last day of school for the kids. I am still loving my job now, but cannot wait to be rejoined with my handsome hunk of a husband. June is getting closer, though-yeah!
Here is a little more about what I will be doing.
I am so excited to be able to use all that I learned in my Master's degree program for Curriculum and Instruction! My chances of landing this type of position in Texas was very slim, as about half of the Specialist positions in my current school district, were eliminated in 2011. I am happy that I will not be completely out of the classroom. I will actually have the best of both worlds-teaching, training teachers and adapting the current curriculum for the company that has hired me.
*update* The school is under construction and may not open for at least one year. The process is slower here, for sure!